Sunday, December 05, 2010
On Discrimination & Power Relations
"Discrimination against a class of people is never justified; the real issue is not science or scripture, but a culture war involving those in power and those who are stigmatized." Chuck Stewart, 2003
Friday, November 26, 2010
LA Transit Culture, Will it ever stick?
For some, even if the new infrastructure is in place (as it is) and makes it easy for them to get from home to work and vice versa they won't choose mass transit over their car for two reasons. One,people are obviously obsessed with their cars and the other is that life is just not that simple. People need more than just mobility options to and from work. For instance, if you have a work meeting in the middle of the day and mass transit is not an option, how will you get there? Taxis? Unlike in New York, London and Paris, in LA it is only legal to hail a cab in downtown LA (meaning the City of LA, not the County of LA which is comprised of 66 cities)...exactly, it makes you think twice about leaving the MINI at home.
I'm optimistic, once there are better options, and better interconnectivity between mass transit agencies I think mass transit will become more popular in LA and better yet a real option to go from many point As to a multitude of points Bs and Cs. Need evidence? Just look at the way Angelenos embraced the Prius (Sorry Toyota, it wasn't aesthetics). Even Beverly Hills residents traded in their European luxury toys and SUVs for the Prius. Thus my advice for Toyota: watch out, Angelenos will eventually move to greener solutions, the Prius must go greener!
BTW check out an interesting NY Times article on the state of mass transit in LA: "In Los Angeles, Big Step Ahead for Mass Transit."
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"Smart from the Start," Salazar Promotes Offshore Wind Energy
From this project I learned that the renewable energy sector is a lot more dynamic than I had originally thought and it spurred an interest in the renewable energy sector. This was the first time I learned about offshore wind energy, which is basically wind turbines out in the ocean, one of our delegates specialized in ocean platforms for wind turbines. Thus, I was very excited to see the NY Times article: Salazar Aims to Streamline Offshore Wind. On Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced a new program, "Smart from the Start," that will accelerate the adoption wind energy. This is great news for most in the wind energy business and a very big win for the renewable energy sector. Go Green!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Sense of Place: New York
My favorite part:
"New York — a city more at home in the world than in its home country ... we all have our complaints. And while there is no other city where I could imagine living, there are many places that, for different purposes, I would rather be. But this too is a very New York sentiment. Chance made me an American, but I chose to be a New Yorker. I probably always was."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Planning Wisdom
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Greening the White House
The aim is multi-purposed. On the one hand, this is clearly a step in the right green sustainable direction as the administration explicitly shows its commitment to renewable energy. Secondly, this also demonstrates that American solar technologies are "available, reliable, and ready for installation throughout the country." As a result, as Secretary Chu puts it, the nationwide deployment and implementation of clean energy technologies will help "America lead the global economy for years to come" and create more local clean energy jobs.
For more info on state, local, and utility rebates for renewable energy generation throughout the country visit the Database of State Incentives for Renewable and Efficiency website.
This is just another reason Obama still Rocks!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Pro-Life should also Mean Pro-Environment
"When an activity raises threats of harm to the environment or human health, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically."
Isn't ironic that most of the global warming skeptics tend to be pro-life about abortion, but not pro-life when comes to the environment.
Hmmm....just something to ponder!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
3 Main Factors Of Any City's Traffic Trends
- Driver behavior. Moscow observation: "Russian drivers lack foresight."
- The traffic system itself, the organization of the roads. Moscow observation: There is a "lack of left-turn possibilities" in Moscow.
- The social system, which is always reflected in the roads. Moscow observation: "It's a feudal structure," Hatoyama said referring to the privileges given to Russia's elite in the traffic system. Gessen asked if there was "any other place that has that?[...] different rules for different drivers?"...Hatoyama answered with a single word: China.
Friday, July 09, 2010
New York City Land Use News
ULURP allows local communities and elected representatives/officials to have a voice in the City's major land use development decisions.
Friday, June 25, 2010
So Cal Participate - The Great Outdoors Initiative: Nationwide Public Hearings
On July 8, 2010 from 3pm - 7pm there will be a Public Listening Session in SoCal at Occidental College's Thorne Hall on the America's Great Outdoors Initiative and give our opinions on how to build a 21st century conservation and recreation agenda for America's great outdoors public domain. Register by July 1st by sending an email to with your name, name of the organization, telephone and email address.
The Great Outdoors initiative was established by President Obama in April 2010. The departments of the Interior and Agriculture, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality are leading the efforts of the initiative.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Columbia Expansion Plan Updates
I know this is a controversial project...but the controversy is what sparks my interest!
In news today, the New York Times reports that the New York State Supreme Court upholds Columbia's campus expansion plan.
Link to article: Court Upholds Columbia Campus Expansion Plan
Link to my Facebook: Comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Professional Community Opposition Consultants
Meet your friendly neighborhood 'community-like' opposition consultants, they even have an iPhone App: The Saint Consulting Group.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Market Likes BP's New Fund & Dividend Suspension
Next American City ~ City Parks
The New York City: Public-Private Partnership Snapshot:
- The Central Park Conservancy was founded in 1980, it raises 85% of the parks $27MM annual operating budget
- According to the NYC Parks Department, half of the city's 1,800 parks and playgrounds now depend on some type of private group for maintenance
- In 2008 the Madison Square Park Conservancy raised more than $3.1 MM from donations, corporate-sponsored events and Shake Shack proceeds & held cash and securities of almost $8MM; employed 28 maintenance staffers, guards, & administrators
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Ascot Hills Park in Los Angeles, CA
The City of Los Angeles District 14th's decision to purchase and protect land on Elephant Hill and the Northeast Hillside Ordinance, will protect and ensure the hillside from overdevelopment.
The $3.3 million Phase II will stretch over 53 acres and will include:
- Outdoor Amphitheatre
- New Hiking Trails
- Stream Restoration
- New Native Paintings (I'm assuming local artists will be involved)
- Irrigation
- Fire Safety Improvements
- Additional Parking
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Information vs. News
Monday, June 07, 2010
Infrastructure Needed to Promote Green Car Markets
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Architectural Digest Editor-in-Chief to Retire
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Mobile Communication...Have We Regressed?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
New Trends in Urban Land Uses
A Note to Consider About Conservation
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Fashion For The People & By The People
Friday, April 09, 2010
Great Blog on Community Benefits Agreements
The old Bowery vs. new Bowery
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
The Brooklyn...Hype
Thursday, March 25, 2010
San Diego picking and choosing on Yes
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Planning Options...for Me
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The thick line between Developed & Undeveloped countries
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Las Vegas - What is an American City?
Monday, March 01, 2010
Community Planning Lit

My friend Armando, a political science guru who loves urban planning on the side recommended this book to me...I am searching the annals of for it...I think it will be a good guide for my current pilgrimage...New York for Sale, Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate by Tom Angotti - MIT Press
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Architecture & Urban Planning Pilgrimage
Friday, February 12, 2010
For Calatrava Architecture is...
Shoe History Facts
Must go: BMW Welt in Munich
Diane von Furstenbrg & American Express Circa 2008
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dose of Bobo LIt
Books to add to my leisurely reading list after I get through my New Yorkers and Wired magazines, and the other books in my book cases that I have yet to read: Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn - both by Henry Miller, and My Life and Loves in Greenwich Village (complete and uncensored…the uninhibited diary of America’s greatest Bohemian) – Maxwell Bodenheim
Where is the Neighborhood Going?...From $800 to $3500 a month
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Green building...hybrid solutions
Going green is the newest business fad, there are many long-term incentives to build green and cities and states are developing more real-time incentives everyday.
However, habits don't change overnight even with an abundance of incentives. With the emergence of the Prius and other hybrids the automobile industry has started to mass-produce green solutions. The market is responding and though it may seem that everyone is embracing hybrids especially when you consider places like LA and San Francisco, the actual market-share still has a long way to go.
This morning, CNN reported that if we assume that in 2020 (10 years from now) hybrids make-up 30% of the market-share of automobiles in the U.S. it would only put a minor 1% (or 202,000 barrels a day) dent into the overall U.S. oil demand. True we have to start somewhere, and we have, but we have to continue doing more than just good faith efforts or following a fad.
Of course it is also true that it is going to take more than just altering our car purchases to get our world to a less oil dependent place. Infrastructure is of course the next big ticket item that is under scrutiny to implement more sustainable solutions. However, we need to move at a faster pace, if 30% of the buildings and other infrastructure projects in 2020 were green projects the 1% dent could also be joined by a bigger dent.
Everyone has heard the green lingo, now we just need to build more green projects.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Learning about Development in Your City
Progressively informed citizens know about the development agencies shaping their cities…do you know yours?
Here are some of the development agencies overseeing diverse redevelopment efforts that have sparked my interests:
- Los Angeles, CRA/LA:
- New York, EDC:
- London, London Development Agency:
- San Diego, Redevelopment Agency:
- Mexico City, SEDUVI:
These agencies tend to hold public meetings to discuss upcoming projects among “decision makers” and hear-out community residents. Unfortunately not all of the agencies do a great job of announcing public hearings. Check their websites regularly, most rely heavily on using their webpage as the their best PR tool and scapegoat for transparency.