Monday, September 10, 2012

More on how US Exports Benefit from NAFTA

I'm not the only one obsessed with the US-Mexico trade numbers, the Washington Post ran a story in their
Sunday, September 9th edition: "Middle-class Mexicans snap up more products ‘Made in USA’."

About 6 million jobs in the United States depend on trade with Mexico (Source: Trade Partnership Worldwide 2008)

US exports to Mexico 2011 FACT highlights from the article and infographic:
  • Texas exports more than 70 percent of the chickens it ships out of Texas to Mexico
  • California exported $9.3 billion in computers and electronics
  • New Jersey exported about $1 billion in pharmaceuticals 
  • Iowa exported $121 million in pork (us Mexicans love "carnitas") 
  • Montana exported $59 million in copper and molybdenum
  • New York exported $500 million in jewelry (I don't think this accounts for the amount of jewelry Mexican tourists purchase on their visits to The Big Apple especially at Tiffany's)
  • Tennessee's biggest export south of the border was transportation equipment, totaling $855 million
  • Michigan exported $3.6 billion in transportation  equipment, mostly for the automobile industry

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