Tuesday, August 07, 2012

MAP-21 & the Future of Public Transit in the US

What does MAP-21 Do For the Future of Public Transit Systems in the US?

It gives a new safety oversight role for the Federal Transit Admnistration (FTA), which means the FTA will develop a consistent consistent set of safety standards for transit systems around the nation.

State of Good Repair for transit systems will be paramount. MAP-21 requires the FTA to develop State of Good Repair performance measures and gives them the authority to conduct investigations and audits. It also requires transit agencies to develop asset management plans to meet the performance standards.

For the first time transit agencies will also be able to access New Starts and Small Starts grants for projects that expand "their core capacity."

Authorized funding only saw marginal increases from FY2012 at $10.458 Billion to FY 2013 at $10.578 Billion, for a net increase of $120 Million. Here are some highlights of the funding allocations for FY 2013:

  • $2.1 Billion - State of Good Repair 
  • $422 Million - Bus and Bus Facilities formula program
  • $1.907 Billion New Starts and Core Capacity 
  • $4.398 Billion - Urbanized Area Formula Grants 
  • $255 Million - Enhanced Mobility for Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities
  • $519 Million - Growing States & High Density States Formula
  • $10 Million - Transit-Oriented Development Pilot (TOD)

Here is a link to an overview presentation of the FTA's MAP-21 funding allocations:
Published August 2012

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