Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Crime Prevention in Latin American Cities

Here is a link to my newest article on This Big City about crime prevention in Latin American Cities.

An excerpt:
"As seen in Los Angeles, the traditional crime prevention structure in cities is evolving but in a way it is also going back to olden times when community vigilance was the only thing around to prevent crime. Community participation is key because some people, criminals or not, are not always comfortable talking or collaborating with law enforcement to help prevent crime but may be more amenable to listen to a community member. Moreover, as Sandra Parra Dionicio, an advisor on security reform plans from Colombia, put it, community security is a right, and it is not just about chasing after the bad guys it is also about helping the good guys." more

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Former Gang Members Changing the Discourse

This whole week the Institute of the Americas in San Diego brought together key law enforcement players from the public and non-profit sectors in Latin America for a training on Community Crime Prevention. 

Today as I sat in on panel discussion from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, law enforcement consultants and former gang members. I couldn't help be but moved and inspired by the stories of the two ex-gang members. They have changed their lives and are now helping bring a new sense of help and hope to their communities. 

It's amazing what desire for change and determination can do to help us push through hard times. It is my guess that at one point they had to make a decision to continue their lives as they were or choose life over violence. 

They changed their life around and as happy as I am for them I can't help but feel a bit spoiled since to date I have fortunately have not had to choose between life and death. I am grateful that my perspective has been enriched by hearing about their experiences and the great collaboration that is happening in Los Angeles between the police department and the community.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

My Quest for a Thesis Question - Summer 2011

My quest for a thesis question for my Masters of Science in Urban Planning from Columbia University is officially in full effect.

I started reading Daniel Yergin's The Prize and learning the ins and outs of the world's obsession with Power, both typical power generation and the other kind of power that spur wars, and good old oil.

Let the Thesis Games Begin!