Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In the Mist of Holiday Parties, Land Development Projects Prevail

In the past two weeks I have been bouncing from one holiday party to the next. I can't even eat the food. The other day in my delirious holiday party craze I craved cheetos and now my stomach hated me and continually muttered "never again" under its breath.

It is sometimes a mystery how any work gets done around the holiday season, especially around government bureaucracies or universities, but it does, or so certain news stories give that impression. Does it matter if this work got done before or during the holiday season? No. Is it a good idea that it gets news coverage during the holiday season? Yes, because this the time of year people get yearn for the case ADD and look for valid distractions. In my case I am a sucker for news stories from respectable publications such as the New York Times and Los Angeles Times.

This story from the NY Times deserves a mention just because it talks about a Mexican architect, Enrique Norten, on his way to the revered status of an international signature architect and in turn probably national hero, and his participation in Rutgers University's growth vision.

Across the country, the LA Times reports on the 3 Mega-Projects that could, if their visions achieve what they promise, reshape the car and urban culture that defines Los Angeles today. From my cynical realism it sounds like certain big egos are trying to make a legacy in the city’s historic suburban fabric and convert parts of the city into urban hubs. Considering the locations, 2 in downtown and the other by Universal Studios, of the 3 projects (L.A. Live, Grand Avenue and Universal City) I can’t help but wonder if they build it, will they come? And how long will it take for them to come?


El Jaguar Edu said...

This Mexican arquitect is apparently working on the mysterious Guggenheim Guadalajara...scheduled to open sometime in the spring of 2008...can't hardly wait. Should we book our flights now?

El Jaguar Edu said...

TENArquitectos - These guys rock. And then they build. And rock some more. Guggenheim Guadalajara: Coming to you with some tapatio, tequila and mariachi, in 2009.