Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Qu'est-ce Design...?

What is Design? Is it an art form? Or what?

There are definitely some varying debates about design. They are obviously not as pressing as middle east politics but are big picture questions that deserve some time.

I see design as an art form, not just because of my research and social interests but because of its aesthetic qualities. Today as I read one of Artinfo's weekly industry updates Jennifer Northrop's, director of communications and marketing at the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, comment intrigued me as she was quoted stating that design intrigues the public "because design isn't art." And according to her, design isn't art because “Design is the most accessible form of visual culture — we touch it. We use it everyday. It’s based on solving a particular problem.” Her perspective is based on design's functional qualities and it ignores designs aesthetic qualities.

One thing is for sure, design is definitely the most unappreciated art form, we take it for granted.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Graduate School Survey Shopping

For the past 3 years I have been seriously contemplating graduate school programs, and at first I was intent on finding a program that would both incorporate a bit of my architecture and fashion interests, I soon found out this was going to be harder than it sounded.

Three years later after lots of research, soul searching, and job opportunity detours I have narrowed down the list and have decided that either a PhD in urban planning or a PhD in American studies will give me the tools, expertise and exposure to help me to test my design theories hypotheses and analyze related cultural and business trends.