I can't help but ask myself where has all the creativity gone? Is the Architecture industry also suffering from the notorious copycat epidemic that's attacking the fashion industry? Or are architects putting creativity to side for the sake of getting design approval and collect their piece of the pie?
You want examples, just look around, everything is starting to look the same. This needs to stop. Our cities are not monolithic, there are different factors and each city has different needs and there is no reason why laziness should be condoned in creativity. Sure there is something to be said about street scape context and continuity. In these rough economic times when construction activity and real estate transactions are low it would behoove developers and architects to keep in mind that customers are not made out of stone either. I can appreciate competition and the effectiveness of the market to generate better products as a result. Unfortunately, in most of the recent cases the quality in urban and rural development is at best mediocre with big arrows pointing to the big sign that reads: COPYCAT.