Monday, January 29, 2007

Defined by The "Authorities"

As defined by the Oxford Dictionary

Fashion: the popular style of dress, customs, etc. at a given time
Architecture: the art or science of designing buildings
Design: a combination of lines or shapes to form a decoration
Culture: the appreciation and understanding of literature, arts, music, etc
Technology: the scientific study of mechanical arts and applied sciences

As defined by Wikipedia (abbreviated)

Fashion: a prevailing mode of expression, but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the culture as a whole
Architecture: the art and science of designing buildings and structures
Design: the process of originating and developing a plan for a product, structure, or component
Culture: refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance
Technology: a broad term dealing with the use and knowledge of humanity's tools and crafts

Monday, January 22, 2007

If there was ever a doubt...

From the new architecture curator at the MOMA, Barry Bergdoll, on the power of urban and architectural symbols as recent catastrophic events have demonstrated:

World Trade Center & Hurricane Katrina
" The World Trade Center was clearly chosen by the terrorists because of the place it had gained in the public imaginary, just as the flood in New Orleans struck a very particular cord with the imagination of the world. Even if much of New Orleans was terribly ordinary, its appeal was for its very distinctive culture, architectural and otherwise—a quality that’s growing ever more rare in a world of increasingly homogenized spaces, forms and experiences. It remains to be seen in both cases whether something genuine, with the potential for creating new vitality and new resonance—rather than a controlled themed environment—can be achieved."

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year's Resolution ~ 2007

What's in store for 2007?

What design concepts will make me a better person?
hmmm...I wonder, but I am always a sucker for chic and sexy.